Social Cognition Meetup

 SCM dates back to the 2022 SPSP Annual Convention in San Francisco, where a small group of early-career researchers (ECRs) from various stages along the academic track got together to talk about their shared interest in social cognition research (What a great day!).

Since then, the group has generally met virtually to host a globally diverse and growing mix of ECRs to talk shop: give talks and garner feedback, host external speakers to share their research, and discuss the latest innovations and trends in the field. 

SCM prides itself on welcoming a diversity of intellectual perspectives, so please join us and add yours! If you'd like to join the list of senior academics we host for talks and discussions, don't hesitate to reach out.

To connect about SCM, you can email here.

Please note that we keep meetups quite casual. Whether you're thinking of giving a talk or just coming to listen and meet new people, please don't stress about the level of formality.